Language access requirement: B2 English level as defined in the education and examination code.
Admission is granted on the basis of the diploma:
- The admission procedure for holders of a diploma awarded by an educational institution recognized by the Flemish community consists of reporting via and following the enrolment procedure. For holders of a Bachelor or Master degree in Veterinary Sciences the direct admission procedure is applicable. For holders of a Bachelor, Master or Master after Master degree in another discipline admission will also be subject to an enquiry into the suitability of the holder of the diploma, taking into account possible working experience, specific expertise and /or specialisation as well as motivation. For actual enrolment, all required diplomas and certificates need to be presented.
- If holders of a diploma awarded by a foreign (non-Belgian) educational institution wish to enrol for the postgraduate Poultry Health Sciences, they need to report via the procedure outlined on and follow the enrolment procedure. All requests based on a foreign diploma need to be accompanied by a legalized copy of this diploma, except dipomas awarded in a country which has ratified the Lisbon Recognition Convention (LRC).